gmail through sendmail

first read this for a base understanding of the whys and hows

then read this for more specific instructions

i ignored everything about fetchmail as i was only interested in sending abilities, but carrying the step further should be no problem. i also recoomend building a secondary gmail account just in case the hashed file was to be compromised

metasploit and network exploration

it began as just looking into the toolsets used by the now-infamous BackTrack – a slax based live cd used for wireless network penetration testing – but knowing it was slackware based was all i needed to know that toolkits exist to add this functionality to my laptop. and the digging began….i’m only going to post findings and tools incrementally as i gain enough knowledge of them to answer at least the basic install and use questions.

and so i was brought to metasploit; an exploitation framework (probably for beginners like myself) used for penetration testing of workstations, servers, and network protocols. i found the installtion to be pretty straightforward, despite the fact that where i was looking the documentation was lacking (they probably assume that given a set of requirements the user figures out how to get there themselves).

for my vanilla slack-current, i was required to add in rubygems and then install rails:

#gem install -v=1.2.2 rails

at this point i unpacked the framework and launched the web-console (yes…pitiful to use the gui, but it was what i chose to do). i suggest getting to this point and seeing where the web interface takes you ;-)

javascript form validation library

when it comes to form validation i get frustrated too quickly to sit there and reinvent the wheel every time. my solution has been made more simple than i would have asked: TMT Validation Library from

so easy to install.

link to libs

add call into form

define types of validation on inputs.

i would reccomend this to a friend

zoneminder on slack12.2 with ffmpeg and openjpeg

install slack

get sources for zm (i’m using 1.24.1)

checkout ffmpeg from svn (they might have formal releases after this google summer of code project)

#svn checkout svn:// ffmpeg

get the libopenjpeg (oen jpeg 2000 libraries)

#tar zxvf /open/jpeg.tar.gz

#cd /newly/made/folder


#make install

#make clean

now configure ffmpeg from that dir. i used this:

#./configure –enable-gpl –enable-shared –enable-nonfree –enable-avfilter –enable-libopenjpeg –enable-postproc


#make install

( at this point running #ffmpeg should output sensible info without errors…an #ldconfig may be required)

now for zoneminder. from that source directory

#./configure –with-ffmpeg=/usr/local/ –with-webdir=/var/www/htdocs/ –with-mysql=/usr/ –with-libarch=lib –with-cgidir=/var/www/cgi-bin/ –with-webuser=apache –with-webgroup=apache –enable-debug=no –disable-crashtrace –disable-mmap

if your set up like me this is where you’ll find all of your missing perl modules. run the configure and it will through errors. use cpan to install them until configure stops erroring out. i always start by installing the most current cpan. in general i allow perl to autoresolve dependancies…mostly because it is such a headache to manually track them down

#cpan CPAN

#cpan YAML

#cpan Date::Manip

#cpan LWP::UserAgent

#cpan PHP::Serialization

at this point the configure statement told me i was good to go


#make check

#make install

#make clean

avs and cvn

doesn’t make much sense to me that my credit card company fails both the avs and the cvv2 security checks and still authorizes the transaction….. capital one is the card company and the payment processor is virtual merchant. was building a portal and did some heavy testing here. apparently my virtual merchant doesn’t fail any cards based on avs, what good is it to have known after the fact that the address someone put in didn’t match the credit card company’s address on file. similar with cvn…a fail here should be a direct fail, not a soft one that still charges me. i guess they’d rather the charges be incurred and then disputed. great policy.

cron into dsl embedded

alright starts with the premise that you have the most recent version of cron.dsl from the mydsl repository.

scp that to the destination machine:
# scp /home/ben/documents/wess/zmMonitors/cron30.dsl dsl@

ssh to the destination machine and do the following
# sudo mydsl-load cron.dsl
# export VISUAL=vi
# sudo crontab -e
****at this point make your cron entries…helpful link lazy man’s cron generator by robert plank*****

verify the cronjob
# sudo crontab -l

in my particualr case i rebooted while i was there…been having memory issues (in the computer, not me)