cron into dsl embedded

alright starts with the premise that you have the most recent version of cron.dsl from the mydsl repository.

scp that to the destination machine:
# scp /home/ben/documents/wess/zmMonitors/cron30.dsl dsl@

ssh to the destination machine and do the following
# sudo mydsl-load cron.dsl
# export VISUAL=vi
# sudo crontab -e
****at this point make your cron entries…helpful link lazy man’s cron generator by robert plank*****

verify the cronjob
# sudo crontab -l

in my particualr case i rebooted while i was there…been having memory issues (in the computer, not me)

kde4.2 on windows

from the kde website

i hate it but i have a windows computer. i find the interface intolerable for the brief times i do have to use it, and was inspired to look for others who have already solved my issue at hand. well there is a very complete solution and i’m installing it as i type. i’ll post back with whether it ran ok on the junky xp box or not sometime when i remember.

edited 20090527

took it off because using it was horrible

run a local slackware current

this comes care of alien who has done so much for the slackware community. basically, you cron a script i believe he built, i opted to create and use a custom config file, and found it well documented and straightfoward, the script looks for changes in the CHANGELOG.txt and if it finds updates, downloads them and either generates 3 cdrom images, a dvd image, or both.

ethier way it’s a great script and my local slackware mirror can be found at

jeep quote from dad

i was talking with my dad this evening and he mentioned this:

“a good running jeep is better than a good looking one”

rename mp3s from id3s

require 5;
use strict;
use Image::ExifTool ‘ImageInfo’;

my $trackdir = $ARGV[0];
opendir(DIR, $trackdir) || die(“unable to open directory $trackdir”);
my @tracks = grep { /.mp3/i } readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
my $exifTool = new Image::ExifTool;

foreach (@tracks) {
my $filename = “$trackdir/$_”;


my $title = $exifTool->GetValue(‘Title’);
my $album = $exifTool->GetValue(‘Album’);
my $artist = $exifTool->GetValue(‘Artist’);
my $genre = $exifTool->GetValue(‘Genre’);
my $track = $exifTool->GetValue(‘Track’);

$track =~ /[^0-9]*([0-9]+)[^0-9]*/;
$track = $1;

print STDERR “$artist $album $title $genre $track\n”;

$track = sprintf(“%02d”, $track);
my $newname = “$artist-$album-$track-$title”;
$newname =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9\-\.]+/_/g;
